Verband der Keramischen Industrie e.V.:
Ludwigsmühle 4
95100 Selb
Phone: 09287/808-0
Fax: 09287/70492
Register: VR 93, district court Wunsiedel
Chief executive officer:
Christoph René Holler (solicitor)
Phone: 09287/808-21
E-Mail: holler@keramverband.de
Responsibly in the sense of the (German) press law in the sense of §7a GjS and §8 Abs.4 MDStV is RA Christoph René Holler. According §28 Abs.3 (German) Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (Federal Data Protection Act) the use or transmission of our data for advertising purposes or for market and opinion research is contradicted.
sopart multimedia
Tel.: 09261-20550
Fax: 09261-966497
Internet: www.sopart.net