10.7.4 Test
Procedures for Composite Materials
DIN EN 658-1 (01.99) Properties of ceramic
composite materials at room temperature – Part 1: Determination
of properties under tension
DIN V ENV 658-2 (05.93) Properties of ceramic composite materials
at room temperature – Part 2: Determination of pressure
DIN V ENV 658-3 (02.93) Properties of ceramic composite materials
at room temperature – Part 3: Determining the flexural
DIN V ENV 658-4 (02.93) Properties of ceramic composite materials
at room temperature – Part 4: Determining the shear
strength of notched samples under compressive load
DIN V ENV 658-5 (02.93) Properties of ceramic composite materials
at room temperature – Part 5: Determining the shear
strength in the 3-point bending test with a short separation
of the supports
DIN V ENV 658-6 (02.93) Properties of ceramic composite materials
at room temperature – Part 6: Determining the shear
strength using the double shear impact penetration test
DIN V ENV 1007-1 (04.93) Ceramic fibres for ceramic composite
materials – Part 1: Determining the lubricant content;
DIN V ENV 1007-2 (04.93) Ceramic fibres for ceramic composite
materials – Part 2: Determining the fineness
DIN V ENV 1007-3 (11.93) Procedure for testing the fibre reinforcements
– Part 3: Determining the fibre diameter
DIN V ENV 1007-4 (05.94) Procedure for testing the fibre reinforcements
– Part 4: Determination of tensile properties of fibres
at room temperature
DIN EN 1007-5 (05.02) Procedure for testing the fibre reinforcements
– Part 5: Determining the distribution of tensile strength
and tensile extension of fibres in fibre bundles at room temperature
DIN V ENV 1159-1 (11.93) Thermophysical characteristics; Determining
thermal expansion
DIN V ENV 1159-2 (11.93) Thermophysical properties; Determining
the thermal conductivity
DIN V ENV 1159-3 (11.93) Thermophysical properties; Determination
of specific heat capacity
DIN V ENV 1389 (06.94) Physical properties; Determination
of density and porosity
DIN V ENV 1892 (07.96) Mechanical properties of ceramic composite
materials at high temperatures in inert atmospheres; Determination
of properties under tensile stress
DIN V ENV 1893 (07.96) Mechanical properties of ceramic composite
materials at high temperatures in the air at
atmospheric pressure; Determination of properties under tensile
DIN V ENV 1894 (07.96) Mechanical properties of ceramic composite
materials at high-temperatures in inert atmospheres; Determination
of shear strength through compressive stressing of notched
DIN V ENV 12289 (10.96) O'Hara Mechanical properties of ceramic
composite materials at room temperature; Determination of
in-plane shear properties
DIN V ENV 12290 (10.96) Mechanical properties of ceramic composite
materials at high temperatures in inert atmosphere; Determination
of properties under compression
DIN V ENV 12291 (10.96) Mechanical properties of ceramic composite
materials at high temperatures in air at atmospheric pressure;
Determination of properties under compression